Addictive Behaviors

Substance abuse or addiction can show up as personal, relationship, health, or legal problems. Behavioral addiction can come in a variety of forms including food/eating habits, excessive shopping, sexual relations, gambling, internet addiction, pornography, video games, plastic surgery, and other high-risk behaviors.

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Addiction is powerful and causes people to compulsively engage in behaviors which have a negative impact on their life. Addicted people experience a rollercoaster of emotions: feeling anxious prior to engaging in the behavior, a sense of euphoria or power during, and a sense of guilt or regret after, all of which becomes a vicious cycle.

Therapists assist clients in identifying problematic behaviors which are having a negative impact on their own life or in their interpersonal relationships. Sometimes it is helpful to examine the sources of pain and stressors that contribute to excess or addiction. Others prefer to focus on the development of healthy coping skills to stop from engaging in these behaviors in the future. Additionally, therapists work with clients to find increased satisfaction in alternative behaviors, which have a positive impact on their life to free themselves of the compulsion to engage in the previously addictive behaviors. Therapy can repair damage in relationships that were neglected during the addiction.

Our therapists use a holistic; solution focused therapeutic approach, empowering both the addict and their loved ones to make the needed changes for a life of recovery.